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PCAccent for December 2008 - Vol. 1 No. 10 

Welcome to PCAccent. This newsletter is an adjunct, an "accent" if you will, to 
the PCA's Web site and the PENnant. The Board of Directors will use PCAccent to 
keep you informed about PCA news and happenings. 

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS NEWSLETTER! For comments or questions, send email to 
PCA President Carla Mortensen. To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send email to 
Membership Coordinator Kim Sosin. Email addresses for Carla and Kim can be found 
on the PCA's Web site: 
http : //www. pencollectors . com/ 

If you have news that would benefit our members, please send an email to Deb 
Kinney - debkinney(a)alumni.duke. edu , the PCAccent Editor. 

*** Message from the President - Carla Mortensen *** 

Warmest holiday greetings from me in my new capacity as PCA President to you and 
your family. I hope this season finds you well and able to use your favorite pens 
on greeting cards and invitations. {I used my new Sailor Pro Gear with a medium 
cursive italic holding a gorgeous Visconti teal ink.} 

As you are probably aware, we have been soldiering away on several projects which 
we hope will help you enjoy the hobby more. Our new website is set to launch on 
or about January 1st, and we will be continuing to add to and improve the 
functionality as the months go by. 
Please take a moment to let us know how you like it. 

Our new website, as well as our other activities, are described in more detail 
below. In addition, under the able leadership of Richard Darvis and Anna Lawson, 
we continue to produce a great magazine for which we are always looking for 
contributors. There is no hidden office of ghost writers; our membership is 
generous in sharing their time and interests and we welcome submissions on 
anything even pen vaguely pen-related. 

Finally, I am in this position because I love pens and I love pen people. Please 
don't ever hesitate to get in touch with me to discuss any pen issue you might 

Warmly, Carla Mortensen mortensen . carla(a)gmail . com 

*** Position Announcement - Kim Sosin *** 

Position Description, Assistant to the Board, Pen Collectors of America 

The "Assistant to the PCA Board" will be expected to serve the PCA board and 
membership as described below. The supervisor of the position will be the PCA 
President, although some oversight tasks may be delegated to board members who 
will work with the Assistant at the request of the President. The primary purpose 
of this position is record-keeping, continuity of address for members-" contact, 
information gathering for the board, pen show presence, and other duties as 
deemed appropriate by the Board. The membership of PCA is over 1000 and growing. 
After an initial period of orientation and implementation, the job is expected to 
take about 10 hours per week, with some seasonal variation. The continuation of 
this position is contingent on growth and funding. The hourly wage will be 
between $10 and $15 per hour, depending on ability and experience. PCA is an 
equal opportunity employer. Apply by email only. Email a brief letter and resume 
to Kim Sosin ( kim(a)penquest . com ) . Deadline January 2, 2009. The requirements and 
responsibilities of the position are the following: 1. work with the pen 
collectors-" community, assist members with their membership records, encourage 
new memberships, and keep records of membership for PCA and The Pennant. 2. use 
Excel (intermediate level), or a software database as required by web entry in 
the near future, for membership records. This will include collecting membership 
data from mail and Paypal and entering the membership data into an Excel 
spreadsheet or a database for the web. 3. use Microsoft Word (intermediate level) 
or other software to create and update a PCA brochure and to prepare monthly 
mailings to members who subscriptions are expiring. 4. oversee the PCA pen booth 
at six or more major pen shows each year to recruit members. 5. work with the 
Pennant staff to provide accurate membership addresses on time for each issue. 6. 
work with the PCA librarian on filing, copying, and mailings as needed. 7. find 
information as needed by the board, for example, alternate locations and costs 
for board retreats, and travel costs. 8. performance of (or learning of) basic 
maintenance on the PCA website (but not to serve as webmaster) will be regarded 
as a plus. 9. perform any other duties as assigned by the board as deemed 

*** Website Update - Rick Propas *** 

The project to create a new, interactive PCA website continues to progress well 
and on schedule. You should be able to register for and use the website shortly 
after the new year. 

The site will feature the traditional news and information, a discussion board, a 
pen show calendar, improved member services including renewal, access to 
downloads from The Pennant and the PCA Library, games and fun. Stay tuned for 
more on this great new member benefit and remember to give memberships to any of 
your pen friends who are not already members so they can join you at the site. 

*** PCA Annual Meeting *** 

Our annual meeting was held at the Columbus Pen show this past November. For an 
update on PCA efforts, please take a look at our meeting minutes. This and other 
news can be found on our website http : //www. pencollectors . com/pea -news . html 

*** PENnant News - Richard Darvis *** 

As we are preparing for the next issue of The Pennant , it's not too late to get 
in your ideas for articles. Please submit either your ideas or complete articles 
to Managing Editor Richard Darvis at wordherder62(a)gmail . com 

*** Scribbles - Deb Kinney *** 

How to drop hints for the fountain pen you want for your holiday gift. 

I am an old pro when it comes to dropping hints for gifts I want to receive. I am 
not saying that I am the most subtle person. But I do get my point across. Now, 
since you are reading this with only 11 days to go, you may have to be aggressive 
in your hint dropping. I usually suggest starting the first part of November if 
you can. After all, some folks are thick and need repeated hints before they 
consider the possibility that you are trying to insinuate that you want a gift. 
But since you don't have time for inconspicuous hints a more direct approach is 

First, be helpful. Have the specific make, model, color and nib size all spelled 
out. Remember to use exact language, because everyone does not know pen lingo. 

Next, make it easy. Have a catalogue or website available with your choice 
indicated and an easy toll-free number or link that people can use to make the 
purchase. The most important step is placement. 

Remember subtlety is out the window. You need to go for obvious. So, I recommend 
starting with the bathroom. By nature people look for things to read while... 
otherwise occupied. Why not look at a pen catalogue? 

Normally, I would say just dog ear the page, but not at this late date. 
Open it up and circle the pen you want. Another great place is the bedroom 
pillow. You know that it will be less than 24 hours before the person finds the 
hint. Other obvious places include the car seat and the microwave. I suggest, to 
cover all your bases, that you have several copies of the catalogue or a printed 
page of the pen you want. 

After all, who wants another tie this season? You want a FOUNTAIN PEN. 
Happy Holidays! 

Tired of giving pens as gifts? How about a membership to the PCA? 
http : //www. pencollectors . com/joinus . html 

*** Local Pen Clubs and Volunteer Opportunities - Deb Kinney *** 

Please let me know if you have local pen club news you want the members to know, 
like meeting dates/times, etc. debkinney^alumni . duke . edu 

Do you have some time and talent to help the PCA be all that it can be? 
If so, please contact our outreach coordinator, Allan Quiat, e-mail 
abquiat(g)yahoo . com , and let us know what you are interested in doing. 
Opportunities abound in the areas of membership. Pens for Kids (at the shows). 
Pennant article generation, etc. Let us hear from you! 

St. Louis Area Fountain Pen Users Report of Meeting - November 15, 2008 

The main topic for the program was a discussion of inexpensive fountain pens that 
could be considered for gifts or for the basis of a collection. Dennis Lively 
brought a large group of Wearever pens from his personal collection and Don 
Kusterer brought some examples of less expensive pens from several pen companies 
that he represents. Also, several other members brought some examples of modest 
priced pens from their collections. 

There was a short discussion regarding the possibility of having a one day pen 
show during the next year. There was interest among those present with the caveat 
that it should be only one day or maybe one afternoon, located in a 
geographically accessible location that could be obtained at a reasonable cost. 
Larry Allin and Kent Leichliter agreed to pursue this project and after exploring 
possibilities will report back at the February meeting. If you have any thoughts 
on this subject, please contact either Larry lallin(a)swbell . net or Kent 
kleichliterl(Searthlink . net . Meeting dates for 2009 were also discussed and it was 
decided that the meetings would continue to be held on a quarterly basis in 
February, May, August and November. The consensus was that Saturday afternoons 
are preferable with the understanding that due to room availability some may have 
to be in the morning. Dates and times for the meetings will be secured next week 
and that information will be emailed to everyone. Larry Allin continues to work 
on the Yahoo site and asks that everyone who hasn't yet done so should join the 
SLAPU group. You can join the group by accessing: 

http : //us . rd . yahoo . com/evt=42879/*http : //groups . yahoo . com/group/ slapu 

If you have any questions about joining the YAHOO SLAPU site, contact Larry Allin 

The meeting dates for the St. Louis Area Pen Users group have been set for 2009. 

All of the meetings will be at the Oak Bend branch of the St. 

Louis County Library located at 842 S. Holmes Ave, Kirkwood, Mo 63122. 

The dates and times are as follows: February 7, 2009 9:00 am to 12:00 noon May 

16, 2009 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm August 15, 2009 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm November 21, 2009 

1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Kent Leichliter 314 821-8217 

Syracuse Pen Club meeting planned - Dec. 22, 2008 

We're planning a Syracuse Pen Club on Dec. 22nd. This is subject to change, but 
I'd like to float this early enough that you can get it on the schedule. 

We've invited our own Gerry from FPN to join us from Toronto, Ernesto Solar hopes 
to be there. We'd love to have you with us as well! We meet at the Panera in N. 
Syracuse around 6:30. 

Please contact me BC if you're at all interested or think that you might be able 
to make it. Tuesday the 23rd is an alternate date, so speak up if that would be 

The best address to reach me is ron(5)mainstreetpens . com 

Nothing says I love you like a free membership to the PCA. Give someone special 
the award winning PENnant (I am sure someone gave it an award) and make their 
holiday dreams come true! 

http : //www. pencollectors . com/joinus . html